Why We needed a Website Redesign?
We had a great website. Totally black, with just a few texts. Shortly about projects, less about services and other stuff. It suited a small one-year-old company.
But times change. We have completed a lot of new challenging projects, new talented designers, developers, and other creatives joined our team and, of course, many goals were achieved. We strived to grow but found ourselves sandwiched with our current website. The redesign was the question of time.
UI/UX redesign is a complex process that can last from a couple of weeks to a few years (for example, when it comes to world-known brands with a solid identity). Before redesigning, you must think twice and ask yourself, ‘Why? For what? Do we really need it?’
At Synergy Way, we had a few serious reasons to rethink our website and develop a new design for it.
- The website was created like a Landing Page and wasn’t designed to be scalable. Want to add more information about services? A separate page for each service? Details about partners? Opened jobs? Sorry, but there is no way you can do that. As a result — a lack of information about the company and services we provide.
- Portfolio didn’t work properly. We had noticed a crushing fact that a lot of people (including some customers) didn’t have a clue on what exactly we were working on and what type of projects were launched.
- UI over UX. Some of the creative, unique ideas lowered the usability.
After a few meetings, we have decided to redesign our website keeping in mind our corporate identity (which is actually quite nice, don’t you think?).
Here you have a chance to see what was going on behind the scenes.
Screen 1. Introduction
Many people loved that screen. But the problem was that not everybody had time to investigate more about us and our services.
You could click on the blinking points to see our advantages. But not everyone saw them. Also, on mobile, it did not work so great.
We have decided to keep things as simple as possible. Now you do not need to do literally anything to find out who we are and on what we are working on 🙂
Screen 2. Introducing our services
Name of the service and a few words describing it. In our case, that was not enough.
On our new website, there are four main services left.
Each service now has a separate page where users can find more information about it.
Screen 3. Portfolio
Many users did not understand that if you want to discover more about projects in a specific category you need to click on a related planet. This solution was not obvious enough.
On our new website, on the main page, we have decided to show some of our favorite works and to give a link to the entire portfolio.
Then, directly on the Our Works page, you can choose the type of projects that you are interested in.
Screen 4. Testimonials
Some users found feedbacks and success stories difficult to read. We love white-on-black, but you need to be careful using it for long texts.
Now texts are more pleasant to read, don’t you think?
Screen 5. Career
How do you like this screen? 🙂 People looking for new opportunities were like, ‘Okay, I see you are hiring developers, QA Engineers… But I want to know my responsibilities… What to do next? Where to go?’. On the bottom of the screen you can find a contact email, but as the practice has shown, it was not eye-catching enough. Many people preferred to use the contact form for questions.
On our new website, talents can now go to the separate Join Us page and not only find out what benefits they can get working at Synergy Way, but also, what are the main and additional requirements, responsibilities and, of course, they can submit a CV.
More than that. For those who did not find related jobs, we have put a separate call-to-action.
Screen 6. Contacts
Contacts were pretty much okay.
But now they are much better. As you can see, we have added an additional field ‘Attach a File (if needed)’, because many customers had materials, related to the project.
Now let’s take a closer look. On the old website, after you put information, names of fields vanished.
On the new website, you can still see names of the fields. This way, you can check if everything is correct.
On the old website, the list of technologies was hidden on the ‘About Us’ page.
Now technologies with their logos are listed on the main page.
On the old website, our partners were mentioned after the paragraph with the list of technologies on the ‘Ábout Us’ page. Now you can see our partners and get some information about them on the main page.
So, how do you like our brand new website? What ideas do you find the most interesting? What do you think was a bad idea? Please, share your thoughts. We will be glad to hear from you 🙂