5 Most Prominent Web Development Trends of 2024: Check These New Standards
Middle-decade trends become one of the most prominent decade features. We remember the 90s based on 94-97 trends, as 03-07 trends resemble Y2K. So, we will recall modern days by trends of 2023-2027.
Many things changed in 2023 in web development, making it the year that has transformed this industry. We will see 2023 inventions as the web development trends of 2024. You can safely use them, as those trends will become new standards.
As of today, they are still in their infant stage. So, if you implement those trends today, everyone will remember you as the trendsetter. Considering you are reading this article now, you have a competitive advantage. Adopt new trends today to become irreplaceable tomorrow.
Usage of AI and ML Turnkey Solutions
Artificial intelligence has become one of the most disruptive technologies of 2023. It was a geek’s amusement just in January, but now everyone uses AI tools for their tasks.
We’ve already posted articles on how AI services can help content creators and developers. However, it has become more common to use turnkey AI-based solutions integrated into the website.
It can be voice search tools, advanced recommendation services, or tools that can help you recognize user intentions in the online chat. Beware that you should fine-tune each tool to fit your specific needs. In some cases, it may take 5-10 days, but sometimes fine-tuning may take up to a year.
Let’s set a real-life example: you are an online bookstore that wants to become better for your clients on the web and app versions. You can use AI-based NLP (natural language processing) services, scanning user requests to provide precise results.
You can use those tools in search (both voice and written), chatbots, translators, etc. If your web development team fine-tunes the AI solution, users don’t even recognize that they are talking with the bot.
If someone is looking for “The Little Prince” and writes “Give me a thin book with the boy on the moon on the cover”, the search provides them with all the books from your library that suit this query. One of them will be Antoine de Saint-Exupéry’s book.
MO’s AI-based algorithms can ease pattern recognition. You can use the obtained data for marketing purposes, predictive behavior analytics, or fraud detection.
Cloud Computing
Just 7-10 years ago most websites had their own servers: it seemed strange when businesses used cloud computing. People thought that it was an unsafe approach.
But during the last 3-5 years people have finally realized the power of remote computing and remote servers. It eases the workflow and scalability process.
From now on you don’t need to buy additional computers and look for spare rooms for new devices: you can order the desired computing power in a few clicks.
There are three main types of cloud architecture. Pick the one that suits you the most:
- Monolith. The easiest to implement. The server provider gives you a virtual machine with pre-described computing power. You can set anything you want to to this server. Just ensure you can legally store that info 😅 Usually, that method is used to host backend processes.
- Micro Services. This approach is harder to implement, but it gives you far more freedom of action. Here product business logic gets broken into a few parts, which you can redirect to chosen services with a unique responsibility list. It can be hard to set up and manage such an arborescent structure. But it allows services to be completely independent. It lowers hack breach risks. Even if hackers get access to a certain server, they won’t have access to other servers.
- Serverless architecture (function as a service, FAAS). It is a software design pattern where the function is hosted by a third party. This architecture eliminates the need for hardware or software management since the third-party service provides it automatically.
Cloud computing unlocks new remote access opportunities. Developers from your team can live and work anywhere they want to. They all can have the same amount of access to the website or app servers.
Also, you don’t need to think about trouble-free operation: cloud server providers have uninterrupted power supply power supply and power generators to ensure 24/7 work under any conditions.
Blockchain and Web 3.0
Blockchain is the technology of the future that allows you to protect users’ data, privacy, and data security while scaling with ease. Blockchain doesn’t have a single authority point, so it is censorship-resistant.
It’s almost impossible to hack a blockchain: encrypted data stored in multiple remote nodes (independent computers) simultaneously. At the same time, it’s relatively easy to manage blockchain: you can pre-describe all actions in smart contracts. If a user doesn’t adhere to those rules, the system doesn’t allow them to act.
Blockchain is transparent yet anonymous. If you set your network as public, anyone can see the transactions, but they can’t de-anonymize the users since all they see are the wallet addresses.
That’s why many websites and apps implement ready-made blockchain solutions or develop their dApps (decentralized apps).
Web3 is a completely new approach to the internet and people’s interactions online. There are already thousands of Web3 solutions and applications: in the finance industry, insurance, healthcare, etc. Some big businesses use blockchain solutions as a big decentralized database.
As of now, Web3 is still in its infant stage. So, if you want to become a trendsetter in your niche, it’s a great time to implement decentralized solutions into your workflow.
Internet of Things (IoT) and Internet of Behavior (IoB)
Collect as much data about your clients as you physically and legally can. It will pay out in the future. Internet of Behavior is another new internet brunch that will become more popular.
Just 10-15 years ago, there were only computers to join the internet. Now almost any device has internet access: from smartphones to smart fridges and dry cleaners. They all produce data about their usage: how often people use them, what are their favorite regimes, etc.
AI tools can analyze data related to human behavior, and show businesses how to use it to provide even more precise user recommendations. As you can see from the illustration below, IoB will become more common. So, if you implement this approach among the firsts in 2024-2025, you will get a competitive advantage.
That way you’ll see the true intentions of the customer, habits, and how your business can make their life better. At the same time, keep this data anonymous for as long as you can.
Beware of cybersecurity threats. Collect detailed information that doesn’t compromise the client’s anonymity.
The information about the user should look like this “User 406893 orders large pizza once a week, and two days after they like to use their home treadmill”, not like “John Smith from the 5th Avenue prefers to eat pepperoni pizza with his friends, but once he opens a Twitter, his heart rate goes up to 130 bps”. The second example is too personal.
Multi Experience
As you see from the previous part of the article, smart devices slowly but surely become an essential part of modern households. Users want to get a seamless experience between all their smart appliances at the level that Apple has in its products.
Big companies have already started experiments with multi-experience: a situation when you interact with one device, and it impacts another.
One of the most prominent examples is Amazon and its orderings. You can ask Alexa to buy you a washing gel or press the Dash button on your washing machine to order the needed product immediately. If you can’t build Amazon’s level of seamless experience, at least ensure that your website and app are user-friendly.
Wrapping Up
The modern world is constantly changing, and you can’t escape from innovations. However, you can lead the progress even if you are a small business. All you need to do is find an innovation that suits your current technical capabilities.
Once you start to implement new technologies, you’ll gain a trendsetter reputation, making you closer to leadership positions in your niche. We at Synergy Way gladly help you to launch any innovation that you want to: just provide us with your boldest ideas, and we will help you to make them true!
Will AI take over the web development industry?
No, as AI tools are in the infant stage. They can ease your workflow in certain situations, but they can’t replace an expert.
What’s more profitable: web development or app development?
Each approach has its advantages. You should look at what suits your target audience more. However, more and more people want to get experiences both on desktop and mobile devices, so you may need to have both web and app versions of your site. From a web developer’s perspective, you should create a team that can make both versions.