10 Best Ways To Monetize Website – Advertisements
Everybody likes the idea of passive income. Traveling around the globe while your website is making money online seems to be the perfect match for the digitalized society.
Though, there are many ways to monetize your website there also are some groundworks to do before choosing a monetization method.
1. Traffic is crucial. Drive more traffic to your website whatever your niche is. Traffic causes leads and leads bring sales. Whichever monetization method you choose, if there is no traffic on your website, there is nothing to convert. Accordingly, it’s vital to focus on traffic growth first.
2. The website’s content is key. Prepare high-quality content to drive traffic and monetize a website. Research your niche to be aware of what your readers are particularly looking for. With a clear understanding of your target audience, you will know what people want and will strive to get.
3. Dispelling the myth… website monetization can’t be done overnight. Yet, website monetization isn’t a hard task when you take the right approach, it may take you months or years of hard work and dedication before getting the desired income from your website.
It’s important to pick a monetization strategy that will work best with your project. Thereafter, in this set of articles we will talk about:
- Advertisements – how and when to use them right
- Google Adsense PPC magic wand
- Sponsored posts
- Monetizing with affiliate offers
- Creating and selling your own digital product
- Making money on donations
- Building your own e-commerce platform
- Selling online courses
- Providing quality consultation services
- Offering password-protected content membership content
Let’s get started.
The best way to monetize website #1: Monetizing with Display Ads

Image source: Synergy Way
Selling ad space is one of the most common practices to monetize your website. Take a look at any big and well-branded website; you will most probably find them running display ads.
The main benefits of running ads on your website are that you can monetize every page and every visitor to your site.

Image source: Synergy Way
Once your website gets a sufficient amount of traffic (at least 10k visitors per month) it will give you an ability to sell direct advertising space. Yet, the offers won’t roll in on the first day; be ready that it might take a few months and make sure to work out the idea on how you should be contacted by a potential advertiser.
First thing, optimize the ad space on your website (plugins here are of great help). Commonly, the advertisements are placed on the sidebar. The spaces can also take the shape of a link at the bottom of the page, side banners, or small pop-ons. To let your visitors know you’re accepting ads, put the text saying “Banner ads” or “Your ads here” to attract the advertisers.
You can either email specific companies an offer to place an ad on your website. Attach your website and user engagement stats to make the offer more attractive. You can use online tools like Quantcast, Clicky Web Analytics, and Google Analytics to get precise info about your website. If you have enough traffic, your digital presence will more likely impress other businesses within your niche.
The pricing can also vary ‒ you have to control the price negotiations of your ads. When selling free space on your website directly to advertisers definitely worth a try, you can also combine it with Google AdSense to really generate some serious income from your website.
The best way to monetize website #2: Google Adsense PPC
Pay-per-click advertising (PPC) is one of the most popular strategies to drive visitors to your site and increase the number of high-quality leads.

Image source: Synergy Way
If you’re trying to monetize your website for the first time and you still have a small amount of traffic, PPC by Google AdSense is most likely the easiest way to do that. That’s because:
- It’s very easy to start and technical knowledge requirements are extremely low.
- Unlike with display ad networks, you can display ads even if you have only a couple of visitors daily.
- Another advantage is flexible revenue – the larger your user base, the more revenue you get.
However, Google AdSense has quite strict terms and conditions which are updated continuously.
- If Google finds your website violating the rules, they will stop the collaboration. So you better stay on your best behavior to remain in their good graces.
- Don’t forget about Ad Optimization. You’ll have to deal with it on a daily basis to increase your income by means of ads.
The scheme to start making money on Google Adsense is clear and comprehensive:
When you sign up and your website is approved, the only thing you have to do is to put a little piece of code on your site. The ads by Adsense will start displaying automatically.
AdSense shows ads that are highly relevant to your website content and when a visitor clicks on an ad, you get a % of the revenue. The price per one click may range from a few cents to a few dollars, mainly depending on the type of ad and the niche that you are in.
Looking for more information about website monetization strategies? Don’t hesitate to contact us for a free consultation.
And stay tuned for more!